As a company committed to the well-being of our customers, we are thrilled to announce that our CEO, Alastair Hoyne, MLIBF CeMAP, recently started a new position as Member of the Board of Advisors at Repossession Rescue Network. This is a prestigious organisation that provides training and consulting to property professionals dealing with financially distressed sellers including homeowners and investors.
Property professionals have an important and pivotal role in identifying distressed sellers and have a duty of care in signposting them to relevant agencies for debt advice, financial advice, legal advice and mental health support.

The organisation’s mission is to elevate the industry standard, ensuring the highest levels of care for people in distress and creating solutions that enable people to move on with dignity, building a foundation for their emotional and financial recovery. As the organisation acknowledges the link between financial distress and mental health and the impact this has on families and the wider economy, they seek to “Save Lives; One Home At A Time.”
We know that profitable business is key to providing homes for people to move into, but people's well-being should come first.
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